Rewrite the sentences in the plural form

Rewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural form
Rewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural form
Rewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural formRewrite the sentences in the plural form